Wiring Permits 

At this time DFPES will not be issuing counter wiring permits. 

You will be able to obtain one through your portal account. 

Do I need a wiring permit?

An electrical wiring permit shall be obtained prior to beginning any new construction or remodeling of any building, mobile home, or premises if the work will require a public utility to connect or disconnect and restore electrical power. Electrical permits are not required for installations exempt under W.S. 35-9-123 (a)(ii) through (v), unless the electrical work is being performed by a person or company acting as a subcontractor for the exempt person, partnership, or corporation and the electrical work is governed by the National Electrical Code.

**All Alternative Energy will require a plan review.  Click the link to be directed to this page:  Plan Review Submittal  

How much is a wiring permit?

Temporary Wiring Permits $40.00 - Electrical permits for temporary power will be issued for a period of ninety (90) days as set forth in Article 305 of The National Electrical Code, unless the permittee requests a longer duration. An electrical wiring permit is required for a temporary service.

Wiring Permits - A fee of $50.00 shall be paid for any electrical wiring permit issued by the Department. The electrical wiring permit fee shall be waived for anyone requesting and paying for an electrical inspection.

Guaranteed Inspection Fee Chart 

Who is my Inspector?

The State of Wyoming Electrical Inspectors                              

Rick Michon



Counties: Converse, Carbon and Albany

Dan Tobin



Counties: Fremont, Sweetwater

Patrick Street 


Email: patrick.street@wyo.gov

Counties: Hot Springs, Big Horn, Park and Washakie

Matt Mullen


Email: matt.mullen@wyo.gov

Counties: Sheridan, Johnson, Crook, Weston and the Town of Wright


For Inspections Contact: Dan Tobin 307-690-8017


Email: dan.tobin@wyo.gov

Counties: Lincoln, Uinta, Teton - (Licensing Only), Sublette and Sweetwater and Teton - (Licensing Only)

Brian Keithly


Email: brian.keithly1@wyo.gov

Counties: Niobrara, Platte, Goshen and Laramie (Pine Bluffs, Burns,& Albin only)  



Home Owner Wiring Permits How To Apply

Creating Your Account:

1. Create a wiring permit eLicense portal account. 

2. Click on the link provided at the bottom of the page; Wyoming State Fire Marshal Public Portal

3. Click on "Create an Account". 

4. Reason for Account "Wiring Permit". If you choose any other option your account will not be set correctly and you will not be able to apply for a wiring permit. 

5. Fill out the remaining demographic information and click "Submit". 

6. You will receive an email notifying you that your account has been created but is being verified. 

7. Once verified by our staff you will receive an email with your user-name and a link to set your password. 

Note: you will not be able to access your account until you have received this email. 

A legal address or GPS coordinates are required to complete the application.  

To Apply For a Wiring Permit : 

1. Once in your account on the left side of the screen click on "Applications". 

2.  On the applications page you will see the wiring permit application with a yellow "Apply Now" button. 

3. Be sure you have read and agree to the wiring permit guidelines. Complete all required information, click todays date, sign the application with your password and click "Submit".

4. You do not need to contact our office to verify that we have received your application. 

5. You will will receive an email from noreply@imagetrend.com acknowledging we have received your application.

Note: Be sure to check your spam before contacting our office. 

You will be required to provide a legal address or GPS coordinates.

Payment and Issuing of Wiring Permit:

1. After your permit application has been processed, you will receive an email notifying you that your application is available for payment. 

2. Log into your eLicense portal account. On the bottom right corner of the page you will see the word "CHECK OUT 1". Click on the link and follow the directions in the payment portal. 

a. Some common errors with payment: We ONLY accept Visa or Master Card. 

b. When entering your expiration it is a 2 digit month separated by a – not a / followed by the 4 digit year. 

3. Once you have paid your wiring permit click on "Documents" on the left side of the screen. Your wiring permit will be listed as a pdf. Click on the pdf and print.

4. Be sure to place the wiring permit in a waterproof bag and attach to the meter housing. 

Electrical Contractor Wiring Permits

To purchase wiring permit(s) as an electrical contractor you will need to: 

1. Have an eLicense portal account. 

2. Your Contractors license must be current and in good standing. 

3. If you need to apply for an Electrical Contractor license please click HERE to be directed to the Electrical Contractor licensing page. 

To Apply For a Wiring Permit : 

Note: Only Master of Records and Contractor Administrators will be able to access the wiring permit application. 

1. Log into your account. On the left side of the screen click on "Applications". 

2. Click on "View My Contractor Applications". 

3. On the applications page you will see the contractor wiring permit application with a yellow "Apply Now" button. 

4. Be sure you have read and agree to the wiring permit guidelines. Complete all required information, click todays date, sign the application with your password and click "Submit". 

5. You do not need to contact our office to verify that we have received your application. You will will receive an email from noreply@imagetrend.com acknowledging we have received your application. 

Note: Be sure to check your spam before contacting our office. 

1. After your permit application has been processed, you will receive an email notifying you that your application is available for payment. 

2. Log into your eLicense portal account. On the bottom right corner of the page you will see "CHECK OUT 1". Click on the link and follow the directions in the payment portal. 

Some common errors with payment: We ONLY accept Visa or Master Card. When entering your expiration it is a 2 digit month separated by a – not a / followed by the 4 digit year. 

Final Steps:

1. Once you have paid your wiring permit click on "Documents" on the left side of the screen. Your wiring permit will be listed as a pdf. Click on the pdf and print. 

2. Be sure to place the wiring permit in a waterproof bag and attach to the meter housing. 

The State of Wyoming on July 1, 2023 adopted the 2023 edition of the National Electrical Code.

Electrical Inspectors 10-2024 (2).pdf