Wyoming Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition
The Wyoming Fire Sprinkler Coalition is dedicated to educating Wyoming residents that lives are saved by installing home fire sprinklers.
Home fire sprinklers can dramatically reduce the heat, flames, and smoke produced in a fire. Properly installed and maintained fire sprinklers help save lives.
Fire sprinklers have been around for more than a century, protecting commercial and industrial properties and public buildings. What many people don't realize is that the same life-saving technology is also available for homes, where roughly 80 percent of all civilian fire deaths occur.
Facts about home fire sprinklers:
Automatic sprinklers are highly effective and reliable elements of total system designs for fire protection in buildings. According to NFPA's "U.S. Experience with Sprinklers" report:
The civilian death rate was 81 percent lower in homes with fire sprinklers than in homes without them. the average firefighter injury rate was nearly 80 percent lower when fire sprinklers were present during fires.
When sprinklers were present, fires were kept to the room of origin 97 percent of the time.
The home fire death rate was 90 percent lower when fire sprinklers and hardwired smoke alarms were present. By comparison, this death rate is only 18 percent lower when battery-powered smoke alarms are present but automatic extinguishing systems weren't.
Developers, contractors, building officials, insurance agents, water purveyors, fire officials, building owners, mortgage lenders, fire sprinkler contractors, and anyone else interested in joining our Wyoming Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition please call 307-777-7288.
NSFSA president Shane Ray, Field Service Coordinator Rob Geislinger and Wyoming State Fire Marshal Byron Mathews
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