Certification and Testing
Wyoming Firefighter Voluntary Certification Program
The Wyoming Firefighters Voluntary Certification Program has been in existence since 1980. The certification Program is an accredited entity of Pro Board.
The purpose of the program is to provide firefighters a pathway to certification, using the NFPA Standards which set the guidelines for each certification offered. This provides a standardized training format for firefighters to use throughout the state.
Information regarding the Certification Program:
Wyoming DFPES State Certification
Certification Prerequisites & Requirements
Prerequisite courses:
ICS-100: Introduction to Incident Command System
IS-200: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
IS-700: National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction
Skills Examination Information and equipment required:
Skills Exam Tester Instruction Form
Skills exam Tester Renewal Form
* Note: A request for written/online examinations must be sent to the Certification Officer 14 days prior to the scheduled testing date.
*Note: A request for skills examinations must be sent to the Certification Officer 30 days prior to the scheduled testing date.
Questions? Contact Rebecca Bestul, Certification Coordinator at (307) 857-9253 or rebecca.bestul@wyo.gov.
Training Forms
Firefighter Written/Manipulative Skills Examination Request Form
Firefighter ELDT Examination Request Form
Firefighter Certification Request Form
Tester Instructions for Comprehensive Examination
Wyoming State Firefighter Course Equivalence Form
Wyoming State Firefighters Reciprocity Request Form
Wyoming State Firefighter Recognition of Prior Learning Request Form
Certification Tester Information
Certification Testers volunteer to administer written, online and skills examinations throughout the state, providing a standardized evaluation process for written, online and skills testing and assure every candidate is evaluated in a fair and consistent manner. They are the “backbone" of the certification program, taking time on a voluntary basis to assist with written and skills evaluations on behalf of the DFPES.
If you are interesting in becoming a Certification Tester for the DFPES please contact Rebecca Bestul, Certification Coordinator, at (307) 857-9253 or rebecca.bestul@wyo.gov.
Certification Tester Course Request
NEW Online Certification Tester Course Instructions
“Everyone Goes Home Safe”
Visit there website here
Wyoming Firefighters Certification Committee
Committee members function as a liaison between the fire service and the State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO). The committee serves in an advisory capacity to consider needs and plans of the SFMO – Training Section. The committee will also act on other certification issues identified or referred to the committee.
The committee shall meet a minimum of twice each year.
Additional meetings may be requested by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Wyoming Fire Service Personnel interested in serving on the committee can click here for more information.
Download the full WFCC Current Members List
Meeting Minutes
Certification Tester Directory